PhotoShelter.com has selected me as a Featured Photographer for the month of December, and is displaying the above photo as part of their home page slide show. Check it out at www.PhotoShelter.com .
A few years ago I chartered a small plane to do some aerial photography and was fortunate to hit Crater Lake on a perfect day for aerials – very light winds and almost unlimited visibility. It had snowed the day before and the terrain below as we circled the lake was pristine.
This photo was taken from above the western rim of Crater Lake. Watchman Peak is in the lower left of the frame and Scott Peak in the upper right; Wizard Island, a volcanic cinder cone formed during a secondary eruption of Mount Mazama, is surrounded by the deep blue water of the lake.
Crater Lake National Park is a wonderful place to visit at just about any time of year. It gets huge amounts of snow in the winter, but the south entrance road to Rim Village is kept open. The rest of Rim Drive is closed to vehicles in winter, but is fabulous for snowshoeing and cross-country skiing.