Like many nature photographers, I’ve been chasing wildflowers this Spring. Many miles on the truck and quite a few on foot looking for splashes and carpets of color in meadows and on hillsides. The spring bloom season is about over in the low elevation areas for species like the arrowleaf balsamroot, but other species are just starting to appear. The great thing is that there’s more than a month still to go this season here in the Pacific Northwest – high in the Cascades, “Spring” wildflowers bloom well into August.

Hi Greg,
I ran across your website and blog on the Oregon Wine website and have enjoyed perusing the posts. My husband and I just returned from a hike on Wildcat Mountain where there were fields upon fields of wildflowers in perfect bloom. With a newly opened trailhead we only ran into one other couple during the hike and had the flowers and views of Mt Hood to ourselves. Best of luck capturing Oregon in it’s glory this year!
Hi Shelley,
Very glad to hear that you’re enjoying my photos. I’d love to be hiking Mount Hood right now, but am currently enjoying another awesome place: Olympic National Park. Headed up to Hurricane Ridge in hopes the wildflowers will be good there, too.
– Greg