Saturday, June 5, is National Trails Day, so let’s get out there and take a hike! This annual celebration of hiking and walking trails was started in 1993 by the American Hiking Society to help raise awareness of the benefits of, and needs for, getting outside and enjoying nature.
If you want to hike with a group or participate in a trail maintenance project, many events are planned nationwide. Click on the map on this page to find what’s happening in your area. Here in Eugene, the local REI store is organizing a trail work party at Mount Pisgah.
The photo above was taken last summer on a hike to Spray Park in the northwest corner of Mount Rainier National Park. This is a fantastic hike on a trail from Mowich Lake to meadows full of wildflowers and spectacular views of Mount Rainier. Peak wildflower season, when the fields of blue lupine are accented with the reds of paintbrush, is in early August.
Click this link to the Greg Vaughn PhotoShelter archive for some more photos of hiking trails that I’ve been on in the past few years.