National Geographic Traveler magazine recently rated coastal destinations all over the world, with a ranking based on, among other things, environmental health and visitor experience. I am very pleased to find that two of my favorite coasts are among the top-rated. Both the Oregon Coast and the Na Pali Coast on Kauai are, according to the magazine, “In excellent shape, relatively unspoiled and likely to remain so.”
The rugged and remote Na Pali coast is one of the scenic wonders of the world, and thanks to the fact that the entire coast is protected by the State of Hawaii, it will likely remain so. All of the coastal area, and inland, from Ha’ena Beach on the north side of Kauai to Polihale Beach on the south, is designated as State Park (actually a series of state parks) or Natural Area Preserve.

Much of the scenic Oregon Coast is also protected and preserved for future generations. While cities and resort developments dot the coast, there are also untouched stretches, particularly in the southern part of the state. Just steps from a state wayside, you may have an entire beach or cove to yourself, even in the busy summer months, at places like Pistol River State Park and at numerous spots along the Samuel H. Boardman State Scenic Corridor.
Click on this link for more of National Geographic Traveler’s place ratings.
For more of my photos of Kauai and the Oregon Coast, check these links: