The United Nations has declared 2011 as the International Year of the Forest, with the objective to reverse the loss of forest cover, enhance economic, social and environmental benefits, increase the area of sustainably managed forests and to mobilize increased financial resources. Here in the United States, the U. S. Forest Service, in partnership with the National Association of State Foresters and the American Forest Foundation, is participating in the efforts, kicking off the year with the campaign “Celebrate Forests. Celebrate Life.”
Some people might argue that the USFS and it’s named partners are responsible for devastating a huge portion of American forests, but for now let’s all join in celebrating forests. Rainforests, dry upland forests, tropical jungles, old-growth forests, wilderness forests and urban forests. Forests all over the world.
I’m an unabashed tree-hugger and forest lover, and just happen to have a few forest photos here.