With just a few days of warmth and sunshine following weeks of cold and rain, the wildflowers have started blooming at Mount Pisgah Arboretum here in Oregon’s southern Willamette Valley.
Hiking yesterday on a loop of Zig Zag, Upper Plateau, Jette, South Boundary and Incense Cedar Trails, I saw Trillium, Houndstongue, Oregon Fawn Lily, Spring Beauty, Oregon Grape and even a few early blooms of Common Camas.
I always enjoy seeing trillium blooming, as these beautiful and delicate flowers, plus the sight of ornamental plum trees in the neighborhood bursting into a mass of pink blossoms, signal that spring has arrived and the dreary days of winter will soon be gone.
Photo notes: This photograph was made with the native Camera app in my iPhone (4s). I am continually amazed at the quality of images this “camera” produces, and even more so now that it has a built-in HDR feature (which was On for this shot). I imported the photo into Instagram, chose the Hefe filter+frame and adjusted the Lux to add a little contrast and saturation. When I found this trillium the light was strongly mottled with bright sun coming through the forest, so I positioned my body and my backpack to shade the area I wanted to frame and put the flower in nice, soft light. Now that the wildflowers are blooming, I’ll start packing my collapsible diffusion/reflector disc for these contrasty lighting situations.
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