Google+ recently sent me a Notification that a person named Margarita had added me to her Circles. I clicked on the link, which took me to the profile of someone I’ve never met, in person or online, someone who posts their photos on G+.
Looking at what they’ve posted so far, images typical of a not-very-advanced amateur nature photographer, I’m not likely to click “+”, Favorite on Flickr or “Like” on FB, or gush over in Comments when I view their photos.
However, this person, who took the trouble to contact me, writes in her About profile:
Tagline: Observer, Photographer, Nature enthusiast, Dreamer.
Introduction: Photography is both my passion and my therapy. I take pictures in an attempt to capture those fleeting and ephemeral moments in life that reveal its mystery, beauty and wonder.
Regardless of my motivation, the camera is an extension of me. It remembers the things I cannot and sees things that my eyes miss.
Thank you for your time. I hope you enjoy my photography.
Bragging rights: Mother, wife, live life, love people.
What a wonderful “About”!
Well, Margarita, I am honored that you want to connect with me, and thank you for doing so.
I wish that I could be so eloquent, and succinct, in expressing what photography means to me, why I continue to try and share what I see and experience.
There is no way I can say it any better than, “Thank you for your time. I hope you enjoy my photography.”