After a few days break, I’m back to processing photos from my recent visit to Mexico. Part of that trip was a couple of days spent in San Miguel de Allende. This historic city is located in mountainous bajio region of central Mexico, and its colonial architecture, colorful buildings and friendly people have made it very popular as a photo workshop location. During my stay, I spent many hours walking up and down the streets in the central district, photographing churches, architectural details, wooden doors set in brightly painted walls, and some of the constant activity around the main plaza. It was hard work, and more than once I had to take a break and have a Pacifico in order to keep going.
Living in the Pacific Northwest, I’m more used to photographing under nice, soft, diffused light, so the harsh mid-day sun in San Miguel was a challenge, but late in the day, with the sun lowering in the sky, the crisp light was beautiful and shadows became a major element in several of my photographs. In this photo, the strong shadow of the man leaning against the wall and the shadow on the street of a couple just out of frame really adds interest to the composition.
To see a few more of my San Miguel de Allende photos, please see this Gallery: http://bit.ly/2Rqt5d . Click on “View Slideshow” and then Full Screen Mode for the best view. Holding your cursor somewhere in the image area will display the caption at the top of the photo.

Nice. Yes, our harsh light takes some getting used to.
I had one of my best meals ever in this quiet little town: http://travelswithcarole.blogspot.com/2009/10/good-eats-bugambilia-san-miguel-de.html