The University of Oregon is currently hosting three excellent exhibits of photography, each of which is well worth the time for Eugene residents and visitors to take in.
Lone Eagle, Garibaldi, Oregon. © Rich Bergeman.
Two of the shows are at the Museum of Natural and Cultural History, a small museum on the edge of campus that always has some great exhibits. What brought me to the museum most recently is the “Tidewaters” show of platinum/palladium prints by Corvallis photographer Rich Bergeman. I’ve seen Rich’s work featured on websites before, but nothing compares to seeing original prints, especially of this type, and especially when they are so beautifully matted and framed. The images are of scenes along the coastal rivers and bays of Oregon, and adjacent well-written captions detail the views and history portrayed. What really sets Bergeman’s photographs apart is the fact that they show a mastery of both technique and aesthetic. In this show, the subject matter is interesting, Bergeman certainly has an artistic eye, and the prints, many hand-coated emulsion on art paper, produced from a variety of digital and large format analog cameras, are gorgeous. This show will be on display until November 4. Check out some of Rich’s other photography at
Spiral M10 Galaxy by Hubble Telescope, via NASA.
Also at the UO Museum of Natural and Cultural History is “Out in Space, Back in Time: Images from the Hubble Space Telescope”. Incredibly beautiful large prints of galaxies and nebulae that are like fine art abstracts, several of which I’d love to have hanging on my walls. This is an educational exhibit as well, with a lot of information about the Hubble project. On display in the MNCH Galleria room until February 2013.
Cholla cactus, © Sean Bagshaw
Next door to the MNCH, the UO Knight Law Center is hosting a show of Oregon nature and fine art photographer Sean Bagshaw. “Earth Palette” features my friend Sean’s outstanding landscape photos on large canvas prints. Sean has a great eye for natural scenics combined with a mastery of digital image processing, and consistently produces knock-your-socks-off photos. Sean often works at the edges of the day, using long exposures in the sweet light of dawn and dusk, producing images that have a wonderful glow. The show is in the second floor gallery at the Law Center and runs until August 24. For more of Sean’s photography, visit his website at
The UO Museum of Natural and Cultural History is located at 1680 E. 15th Avenue in Eugene, just around the corner from the Agate Street entrance to Hayward Field. There is a nominal charge to visit the museum, except on Wednesdays, when admission is free. Hours are 11am-5pm, Wednesday through Sunday. Free parking is available. The Knight Law Center is on the corner of 15th and Agate, across the street from Hayward Field, and is open daily. Google Map: