Tag: hiking

Favorite Photos of 2010

[caption id="attachment_444" align="aligncenter" width="420" caption="Aspen trees, eastern Washington."][/caption] I've been inspired by the blogs of a number of photographers who've recently posted their top photos for 2010, so decided to add my own to the mix. Most of the photographers...Read More

The Enchantments – Alpine Lakes Wilderness

[caption id="attachment_419" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Alpine larch trees at Perfection Lake in The Enchantments.[/caption] On a beautiful early October morning I stood with a 40-pound pack on my back at the bottom of Aasgard Pass and exclaimed "O.M.G.!" Twice. Once for...Read More

National Wilderness Month

[caption id="attachment_411" align="aligncenter" width="420" caption="Wildflower meadow, Mount Adams Wilderness, Washington."][/caption] September is National Wilderness Month, so proclaimed by President Obama. I've had the good fortune to hike and backpack in several wilderness areas recently, and firmly believe that our federally...Read More

Take a hike! National Trails Day

[caption id="attachment_371" align="aligncenter" width="333" caption="Spray Park Trail, Mt. Rainier National Park."][/caption] Saturday, June 5, is National Trails Day, so let's get out there and take a hike! This annual celebration of hiking and walking trails was started in 1993 by...Read More

Rhody season

[caption id="attachment_365" align="aligncenter" width="420" caption="Rhododendron blossom, Cascade Mountains, Oregon"][/caption] It's rhododendron season in the Pacific Northwest. Depending on location and elevation, these beautiful evergreen shrubs bloom from April through June in the western regions of northern California, Oregon, Washington and...Read More

Mount Saint Helens Eruption 30th Anniversary

[caption id="attachment_358" align="aligncenter" width="333" caption="Mount Saint Helens from Johnston Ridge."][/caption] This month marks the 30th anniversary of the eruption of Mount Saint Helens. On May 18, 1980 the volcano literally blew its top, spewing ash into the sky and causing...Read More

Autumn is upon us.

[caption id="attachment_243" align="aligncenter" width="333" caption="Mount Baker from Yellow Aster Butte Trail."][/caption] Only a few weeks ago photographers in the Pacific Northwest were still shooting wildflowers in the alpine areas of the Cascade Mountains. With the Autumn Equinox just behind us,...Read More

Mount Rainier Wildflowers

[caption id="attachment_235" align="aligncenter" width="420" caption="Wildflowers and Tatoosh Range, from the Paradise area of Mount Rainier National Park."][/caption] By several accounts, this year has been among the best in recent times for the wildflowers at Mount Rainier National Park. After hearing...Read More

Mount Rainier and Reflection Lake

[caption id="attachment_231" align="aligncenter" width="420" caption="Mt. Rainier with lenticular cloud, from Reflection Lake."][/caption] They say that when a lenticular cloud appears on Mount Rainier rain will be arriving within 24 hours, and that's exactly what happened last week. The first morning...Read More