Tag: Landscape Photography

Raven flying over a sandstone rock formation in the Catavina desert of central Baja California, Mexico.

Rocks and Ravens in Baja’s Cataviña Desert

[caption id="attachment_15168" align="aligncenter" width="2048"] Rock formation and ravens in the Cataviña desert boulder field, Baja California, Mexico.[/caption] On my road trips driving the length of Mexico's Baja peninsula, I always stop in an area of granite boulders in the Cataviña...Read More
Redwood trees in the Lady Bird Johnson Grove, Redwoods National and State Parks, California.

Redwoods and Rhododendrons Photo Workshop

[caption id="attachment_15150" align="alignnone" width="1080"] Redwood trees in the Lady Bird Johnson Grove, Redwoods National and State Parks, California.[/caption] Arriving at the trailhead parking area while it was still dark, I hoped for fog in the forest when I got to...Read More
Balsamroot at The Nature Conservancy's Tom McCall Preserve overlooking the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon.

Balsamroot at Rowena Crest in the Columbia River Gorge

[caption id="attachment_15145" align="alignnone" width="2048"] Balsamroot at Rowena Crest overlooking the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon.[/caption] On a plateau formed by lava flows eons ago, the Nature Conservancy’s Tom McCall Preserve at Rowena sits several hundred feet above the Columbia River....Read More
Sunset and storm surf at Shore Acres State Paråk on the southern Oregon coast.

Sunset at Shore Acres State Park

Shore Acres State Park is one of the best locations on the Oregon coast, possibly on the entire west coast USA, for nature photographers. Giant waves crash on the rugged rock cliffs during storms, wind and waves have eroded sandstone...Read More

West Cascades Scenic Byway – Photographing Oregon Update

The West Cascades Scenic Byway between the McKenzie River and Westfir is one of my favorite locations for fall color in Oregon. Passing through two major river drainages, Forest Road 19 in the Willamette National Forest is also known as...Read More

National Trails System Anniversary

[caption id="attachment_2148" align="aligncenter" width="1600"] McKenzie River National Recreation Trail near Clear Lake, Willamette National Forest, Oregon.[/caption] This year we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the National Trails System Act. The system includes our National Scenic Trails (like the PCT and...Read More

World Photography Day

[caption id="attachment_2145" align="alignnone" width="1600"] Lamar Valley and the Absaroka Mountains in autumn; Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.[/caption] For #WorldPhotographyDay, here's a photo of one of my favorite places in the world - Lamar Valley in Yellowstone National Park (the world's first...Read More
Balsamroot at Tom McCall Preserve, Rowena, Oregon, in the Columbia River Gorge.

Columbia River Gorge Wildflowers

[caption id="attachment_2133" align="aligncenter" width="1600"] Balsamroot at Tom McCall Preserve, Rowena, Oregon, in the Columbia River Gorge.[/caption] Now is the time to head to the Columbia River Gorge for wildflower photos. I stopped for a check at the Nature Conservancy’s Tom...Read More