Tag: Travel

Cape Kiwanda on the Oregon Coast

[caption id="ps_captionIns" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] Waves crashing on cliffs at sunset, Cape Kiwanda, central Oregon Coast.[/caption] Cape Kiwanda and the beach at Pacific City are unique among locations on the Oregon coast for several reasons. And each of those unique attributes...Read More

Summer Sale on Photography Guidebooks

Trying to decide where to go and what to photograph in the Pacific Northwest? Here's a great deal: through the end of July, I'm selling my award-winning guidebooks with no charge for shipping. That's the equivalent of more than 20%...Read More
Kalalau Valley from Kokee State Park lookout

Top 10 Locations on Kauai for Nature Photography

[caption id="attachment_1746" align="aligncenter" width="695"] Kalalau Valley[/caption] The islands of Hawaii are not just one of the top travel destinations in the world, but also a paradise for nature and landscape photographers. Of the Hawaiian Islands, Kauai more than the others...Read More

Photographing Washington wins NATJA Award

The North American Travel Journalists Association has just announced the winners in their annual awards, and I'm very pleased to say that Photographing Washington was honored with the Bronze award in the Travel Book & Guide category. The NATJA award...Read More

Photographing Oregon and Photographing Washington now available as ebooks

[caption id="attachment_1298" align="aligncenter" width="676"] Photographing Oregon and Photographing Washington, now available as ebooks.[/caption] For those who have been asking if my books Photographing Oregon and Photographing Washington are available as ebooks, I'm happy to announce that complete versions of both are now available in...Read More

Mount Rainier National Park Road Construction

[caption id="attachment_1374" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Paradise Inn, Mount Rainier National Park.[/caption] If your photography plans include a trip to Mount Rainier National Park anytime in the next several months, you may encounter delays due to construction on Washington State Highway 706....Read More

Happy 155th Birthday, Oregon!

[photoshelter-gallery g_id="G00009Ka6ZRlalCg" g_name="Oregon-Highlights" f_show_caption="t" img_title="iptch" pho_credit="f" f_link="t" f_enable_embed_btn="t" f_send_to_friend_btn="t" f_fullscreen="t" f_htmllinks="t" f_mtrx="t" fsvis="f" width="600" height="400" f_constrain="t" bgcolor="#c8c0af" btype="new" bcolor="#CCCCCC" crop="f" twoup="t" trans="xfade" tbs="2000" f_ap="t" bgtrans="f" linkdest="c" f_topbar="f" f_bbar="f" f_bbarbig="" f_show_watermark="f" f_show_slidenum="f" f_smooth="f" f_up="f" target="_self" wmds="llQ6QNgpeC.p1Ucz7U.Y67zz9mqfuDcYrDuIl9atWpWJ1aOusXqhmMqBW4.8ZYsIsdpcMw--" ] Oregon became the 33rd...Read More